Archer Project appoints Co-Chairs

20th February 2024

Trustees Karl Dalgleish and Surriya Falconer have recently been appointed Co-Chairs of the Board for The Archer Project. Excitingly, this is the first time in our charity’s history that the role has been jointly awarded.

Our biggest thanks to Neil Riley, whose dedication as Chair of Trustees over the last 4 years covered the challenges of Covid-19 and an arson attack, establishing new working patterns and measures within The Project.

Of the new leadership, Chief Executive Tim Renshaw shares: “We select our trustees carefully and they all bring a variety of wonderful skills. Surriya and Karl have set out an agenda to achieve greater stability over the coming years, and we look forward to seeing how this helps us become a stronger Project.”

Karl, who runs Sheffield-based economic development consultancy Kada Research, tells us: “I always wanted to give something back. I worked on fundraising at first and it was a real high to bring in new funds to the project.” After 4 years as a Trustee that ‘fundraising fever’ still hasn’t worn off – the team at Kada are currently training for a Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge! You can support their fundraising at

Karl continues: “In my day job I am used to writing funding bids, evaluation reports and strategies, leading teams and presenting at boards. I’d like to help the team bring greater financial stability to the charity as it does not have statutory funding, relying on donations, grants and the good will of volunteers.”

Surriya has worked in Communications in Sheffield for over 30 years, most recently specialising in regeneration and culture, and she has been an Archer Project Trustee for 5 years. She comments: “I came to know of and understand the work the charity does through a project I was working on for the Council. Seeing people on the street has always made me sad wondering what has brought someone to that lonely place. I wanted to know how to help. Being a Trustee and volunteering for a few hours a week means I understand so much more.

“Karl and I bring different skills to the table and I hope that between us, the rest of the Board and staff team, we can help to increase the understanding of the essential work the charity does for the people of our city, and further develop relationships with our city centre neighbours. Also to work with and to support our hardworking and experienced team.”

With Karl and Surriya’s guidance we look forward to our, soon to be launched, rebuild project which aims to deliver a transformational, trauma-informed rebuild of our current premises. This will focus on achieving a much more fit-for-purpose centre, to help people who are experiencing homelessness in our city through our charity’s support stages of engagement, stability and fulfilment.

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