Our Fulfilment Services are delivered primarily through our social enterprises, Printed By Us and Just Clean.
As a form of supported recovery, we provide paid employment opportunities at our social enterprises with a real living wage. This initiative helps people with lived experience make progress towards achieving long-term employment.
In 2019 we were awarded the title of Social Enterprise of the Year at the Homeless Link Excellence Awards.
Our social enterprise, Printed by Us, runs workshops to teach people the craft of hand screen printing. They then print small batches of unique art prints designed by some of the finest local artists. Each print is hand-signed by both the artist and the screen printer.
Designs are also hand printed onto ethically made organic clothing, tote bags and mugs. You can shop the collection now at: https://www.printedbyus.org/collections/shop
Printed by Us now offer a custom garment printing service to businesses, charities, university societies and other organisations who need high quality printing on excellent quality, ethically made garments.
Get the printing that's right for you whilst supporting the work we do – visit the website for more information or to make an inquiry at: https://www.printedbyus.org/pages/garment-printing
Just Clean is a cleaning social enterprise operating in Sheffield, delivering a variety of high quality, personable commercial cleaning contracts, from small independent coffee shops to shared business spaces.
We aim to provide a nurturing environment for professional growth, as well as the practical skills learnt by working independently and as a team. Alongside this, we offer support in exploring volunteering, further education and future career opportunities.
We use eco-friendly products and our regular clientele provide our staff an opportunity to develop their confidence and transferable skills in a professional environment.
If your business would like to make an inquiry, please contact Sian at: sian@archerproject.org.uk