How long can you last at -3°C in Archer Project’s Fridge Trailer?

1st October 2024

The Archer Project is proud to present an interactive and impactful experience where visitors can step inside a space chilled to -3°C.

But why this temperature? Traditionally, Sheffield's Severe Weather Emergency Protocol gets activated when forecasts predict -2°C for three consecutive hours; with wind chill, the temperatures on the streets are even lower.

For one day only, the Fridge Trailer will be open at Sheffield Cathedral Forecourt on Saturday 12th October 2024, 1-8pm.


Winter is right around the corner. For people without a home, the realities of living on the street in these colder months is extremely daunting. This event aims to raise awareness about homelessness and the harrowing realities of rough sleeping.


The thought-provoking installation challenges visitors to withstand below-freezing temperatures, in an effort to promote awareness and encourage donations. Curated by creative marketing and design agency, Black Eye Project, it forms part of The Archer Project's winter campaign, which focuses on negative health implications of winter weather conditions.

The charity's Fundraising Manager, Joe Logan says: "Winter is the worst time to be experiencing homelessness. We want as many people as possible to get a glimpse into how bad it can get being on the street during the upcoming months."

Archer Project Communications Officer, Talya Stitcher adds: "The Fridge Trailer doesn't seek to replicate the true conditions of rough sleeping; we know that temperature alone does not reflect the experience of being on the street at night without a home. There are so many factors missing here – fear, hunger, exhaustion, loneliness, rain, wind, noise… It's hard to explain just how brutal rough sleeping can be, whether it's for one night or many years.

"We hope this small snapshot, into what people experiencing homelessness are facing, will be memorable, and encourage support at a time where The Project needs donations more than ever."


The Archer Project is the busiest it has ever been in the organisation's history. The charity desperately needs support to continue providing essential care and life-saving services to people experiencing homelessness in Sheffield. 

A BBC article in April reported the number of people registered as homeless with Sheffield City Council had reached an all-time high. This increased demand is directly reflected in the unprecedented numbers of people seeking support at The Archer Project.

The number of individuals supported across the year rose from 913 in 2022 to 1,103 in 2023. By mid-July, the charity had already supported 900 individuals in 2024. The number of meals served at The Project significantly increased from 13,607 in 2022, to 20,428 in 2023. These figures are estimated to rise even further to 28,000+ meals served by the end of this year. With no government funding, the charity relies on the generosity of individual donors and businesses, and campaigns like this help to raise awareness and engage with the community.


Operations Manager, Jake Metcalfe of RDS Flying Fridge – providers of the Fridge Trailer – comments: "We are really excited to be playing a major role in raising awareness of the struggles people have sleeping rough. We hope that the public come to experience the conditions we have managed to re-create in our vehicle."


The Archer Project invites the public, local community organisations and media outlets to engage with this experience, as well as in the conversations it starts. Sharing reflections and responses to the piece is strongly encouraged.

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Sheffield Cathedral
Church Street
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