Archer Project's Rough October

1st October 2024

Harvest Appeal

We’re getting ready for our donation store’s busiest month of the year! Donations of tinned food, dried goods, sleeping bags and toiletries can ensure continuation of our Project’s services over winter and into the New Year. Without these donations we would not be able to offer basic services such as access to hot meals, food parcels, showers and washing facilities.

What can I do to help?

Hold a collection at work, school, or your local pub, club, or community centre. If you’re having a clear out at home, please consider donating coats, winter clothing and shoes.

As our annual Harvest Appeal returns, we’ll also need volunteers to help with sorting through donations every day in October. Get some friends, colleagues or teammates together and join us over at The Project to lend a hand.

The full Harvest list of items we need will be published soon...

Sleep Out

The Archer Project Sleep Out was developed after our CEO, Tim spent 14 continuous nights on the streets during October 2022, to raise aware-ness of street homelessness. The experience had a profound impact on Tim, which he wrote about further in his book ’14 Nights’.

How can I get involved?

We’re asking supporters to choose one night in October to sleep outside and gain a small insight into the challenges of rough sleeping. By raising funds and awareness, your participation directly contributes to helping us support people who are experiencing homelessness in our community.

It’s your sleep out so make it your own – whether in the car park at work, in your garden or a big community event!

What will I need to bring with me? 

  • Sleeping bag and blanket

  • Sleeping mat, airbed, cardboard or tent

  • Warm clothes (including hat, gloves, coat) and shoes

  • Torch

  • Flask or mug

  • A book to read or some playing cards

  • Mobile, device or notepad and pen to record your experience

Please email Lucy at to request a Sleep Out info pack, or to get involved with any of our Rough October activities.

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The Archer Project
Sheffield Cathedral
Church Street
Sheffield S1 1HA
Registered Charity No.

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